Larry Molegraaf


52 Responses to “Larry Molegraaf”

  1. Deloy,
    Not bad. All this for a $20 facial.

  2. Hi Larry,
    Have a wonderful trip! Keep tabs on that kid of mine. We’re so happy you can go again. It’s nice to have someone who knows the ropes. Continue to be a blessing to all around you. You always are! Take care and we’ll keep you in out prayers.

    Greg and Kathy

  3. you rock my brother. i’ll expect to hear “days of elijah” in the wind this week. praying for you.

  4. Dear Larry and team,
    we wish you Gods blessings for a safe trip.
    That through your work and witnissing many may come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior.We will be praying for all of you.
    Nell and John Molegraaf

  5. Lar,
    I’ve been praying for you. I know how much you love going to work with Dan and Heidi.
    Have a safe week, and stay healthy. Hold Haven sometimes to give Heidi a break (if you can get Haven away from all of the girls).
    I’ll miss you, but I know that God has called you to Guatemala again, and He will use you like He always does!

  6. Hi Dad,
    If you’re reading this you’ve arrived!!! Hopefully your trip went smooth! Sean and I are praying for you and the people you’ll be in contact this week. Have an awesome time!

  7. Larry, It was such a blessing to see your happy face this morning! I know how much you love Guate, and I pray that God will sustain you once again as you work for Him. I pray that He gives you the strength and energy, as well as patience 🙂 as you work with all the newbies! I know that you will love them all dearly and enjoy getting to know them all. Sing loudly for me…I sure miss hearing “Days of Elijah”! Blessings, Dawn
    P.S. I sure hope you get to drive one of the new vans! He, He! I’d love to be right up there in the front passenger seat as you drive! You rock! (It will be a bit strange to see white vans in the pictures!)

  8. Hi all! We made it just fine and Houston we have Hudsonville Ice cream in Guat. How bout that Mar. We’re getting ready to go to the work site, maybe. Love you all and keep us in your prayers.

  9. Hi Lar, I’m so glad the ice cream made it there OK. Dan and Heidi will love it.I hope you got some sleep today. Jeff Stob brought the truck home, so it’s safe. Have a great week. Enjoy working with your team, and drive safely. I love you.

  10. Hey Lar, Mary called tonight with a request to excercise the Mustang, so I told her I’d help her out! Wow that car can get up and go! Thanks for building up treasures in heaven, where rust or moths can’t destroy. Have a good week. Ron

  11. Good to see your smiling face on the website, although I do miss the BP picture!
    Have a great week being HIS hands and feet. You have an incredible heart of service!
    God bless!

  12. Larry,
    It’s good to know you guys made it safely to Guate again! I know you’ll have a great week, and I’m praying for awesome things for you and the team! I’m sure you’ll have better rides with no mechanical problems with those new vans, although the roads will still give you all the bumps, so maybe it will still feel just like the red ones! 🙂 F
    unny, I have ‘Days of Elijah’ going through my head while writing. I know you’ll be singing it lots! I’ll keep reading the website and hope you have a terrific week!

    Brenda DeVries

  13. Larry,
    Enjoy the time – you are becoming an old pro at this. But I’m sure each trip has its’ own wonderful experiences…like seeing the next brother or sister come to know the Lord. Enjoy, stay safe and healthy. Keep Ross under control. We are praying for you and the team. Randy V

  14. Hi Dad,
    Sounds like you had a good trip yesterday. Did you really bring Hudsonville Ice Cream? Well, now it will be just like home- only better because Mom buys the sugar free ice cream. I hope you brought your pepper, too.
    Anyway, we are praying for you this week- keep us updated on how things are going. Love,
    Missy, Derek and Avary

  15. Hi Larry,
    Happy to hear you guys made it there safely. Have a wonderful day building today. Keep everyone on task. Thanks for your willingness to go to Guatemala again. You truely make a difference. Can’t wait to hear the stories when you get home. Take care,
    Greg and Kathy

  16. hey larry, i sure hope the white vans drive as wild and crazy as the red ones. that was one of my favorite parts of the trip! let me know if you get to drive! ha, ha! have a great day. i hope your building team gets off to a great start! will you tell margarita hi from me? thanks! love, dawn

  17. Hi Uncle Lar! Glad to hear you and the team made it there safely. I will be praying for you all week. Can’t wait for the next update!
    Love ya!
    P.S. Maybe I will have to fill your spot Sunday for dinner. We’ll miss you!

  18. Hi Larry,

    Thanking God for the safe arrival of your team. I know how much you love it there and have to admit, I wouldn’t mind being back myself. Praying for health, safety, and for the Holy Spirit to work mighty things through the team. Say “HI” to Dan & Heidi for us.

    Brian & Phyllis Wigger

  19. Hi Lar,
    There’s another Molegraaf in the world today. Calvin Steven was born at 4am today, 8# 2 oz. His platelet count is low, so he is in ICU for observation. Pray for Hans and Star and the other kids. I hope your day went well, I see no team posting yet at 8:30 pm, so maybe you had a long day at the work site.
    Stay healthy, and enjoy the devotion and singing time tonight.
    I would love to join you for that.
    I love you. Mar

  20. Hi Dad,
    We are happy to hear you made it and hope your first day went well. We will be praying for you this week! We have a busy day of playing outside shead of us. Addi & Jack send lots of hugs and kisses!
    Kurt & Mel

  21. Good morning all!
    It was a big day yesterday. We ended right where we were supose to. Even though we have new white vans I got to drive a red one. We had a good time remembering Melissa D. last night, alot of tears, but it was good. I mis you guys.


  22. Yea, for the red van! Hope you are having fun with the driving! Thinking about you, hoping stucco day goes well! Dawn

  23. Hi Dad,
    I hope you had a good day today. I hope that you are not sick at all! It is quiet here right now, so I thought I would check the site, it looks like your team posted the update. Derek is at soccer, Ava is with Mindy and I am studying…my last night of it! Have a good day tomorrow- be careful.
    Love you,
    Missy, Derek & Avary

  24. Hi Lar,
    Addi is here and says hi.Sounds like the day went wwll Did it stay dry for the stucco? Is everyones till healthy? We are, here. Addi wants ro see your picture again, so bye for now.
    Love, Mar

  25. Hi all,
    Its been a busy day. We got stucco up with no rain. Its raining now. Miss I’ll be praying for you. Tell the grandkids I love them.All these Guat kids just makes me thing of them.

  26. Hi Lar,
    Just checking in with you and seeing how you are doing. This computer thing is pretty neat. Kind of addicting though. Seems like I’m always checking on someone. A great way to find out what is happening. Sounds like you have a good group. (aren’t they all?) Have a good day with the dedications. Have a great weekend, and take care.

    Greg and Kathy

  27. Good morning, Lar. Just checking in before going to work. I’m glad to hear the little boy who got hit is doing OK. That must have been a terrible thing to have happen. Please drive carefully today. I’ll pray for the teams and the families this afternoon while the houses are being dedicated. I hope it does not rain during the dedications.
    Trudy sold her house! Has to be out in 30 days. Great news!
    Have a good day, stay healthy, and I’ll be waiting to hear how many people came to Christ today because of the love that is being shown to them through your teams. Love. Mar

  28. Good morning everyone

    Today is dedication day. This the climax of house building but also a day more names are added into the book of life. Plesse pray that hearts will be opened today. We have a familiy of eleven that we built for. I miss you all. I feel your prayers and I love you all!


  29. hey my brother. i hear the singing.

  30. Lar,
    I wish I could be there today.
    I had an update from Hans – Baby Calvin was given a transfusion of platelets, which helped boost his count immensely, but after that it went right down again. They will keep him until they can feel sure that it will stay stable after they release him. They have been testing Star’s blood, too. She is doing well, and will be released, but stay in a family room so that she can nurse the baby while he is there. He is eating well. Sounds a lot like Caleb. Hans sent pictures, you can see them next week.
    I’m praying for Missy to pass her test today – she should be half finished by now.
    Paint a beautiful home for your family, and I pray that they will all be willing to give theri lives to Christ today.
    Love, Mar

  31. Lar, Melissa PASSED her test! Hooray!!! Another answer to prayer!

  32. Hi Larry, we are glad to hear that things are going well down there. It is truly amazing to read all of the updates and be reminded of how Great our God is! I am looking out my kitchen window occasionally to make sure Mary is home from work and the boys are providing her with lots of outside noise to keep her company! So all is well in the neighborhood. 🙂 We will continue to pray for health and safety for everyone. Take care, Jana Stob

  33. Hi Lar,
    Good tosee you are back in your plaster job again.If the airport does not work out any more you can also work for ritsema plasteres.Keep up the good work Lar.
    Gods blessings and love
    Mom and Dad.

  34. Hi all!
    Praise God Miss, we knew you could do it! We to had a incrediable day. Lives were added to God’s book of life. We just had a day where we could see the power of God changeing lives. Please pray for the team. The sickness bug is stating to go around. Rene or Ron if you are reading this please go to Kristi VW postings. I miss you all. Thanks for all your words of encourgement.I’m glad the neighborhood is normal.

  35. Hi Dad,
    I am so glad that things are going good for you. I hope that you didn’t get sick yet! I did pass my test, I am very excited about that! Today has been a good day- the weather is great. Derek and Kurt are golfing, and Ava is taking a nap. Of course, if Kurt and Derek are golfing, it means that tonight Mel and I get to go to the mall! 🙂
    Anyway, I hope you have a good day today- be careful, and have fun. We are praying for you! Love,
    Missy, Derek and Avary

  36. Hey Larry,
    Glad to hear you are having a good time in Guat! Hope you don’t get sick! Tim and I will be praying for you and the rest of the team that no one else gets the bug. Glad to hear about how God is working thru you guys and changing the hears of the People down there. God sure is Awesome!!!
    Hope the rest of the trip is just as good if not better than the first part
    God Bless
    Sara and Tim Muilenburg

  37. Hi Lar,
    I love the pictures. They bring back great memories. It’s quiet in the neighborhood today, Jeff Newvberry cut the grass before they went boating. That was nice, thanks for asking him. I had dinner with Missy and Ava last night, Derek was at soccer camp. I’ll have dinner tonight with my mom.I hope the clnic goew well. Sing good for the people of the village, and I hope you will see more people give their hearts and lives to Christ tonight. Drive carefully-that’s precious cargo you have with you! Love, Mar

  38. Hi there Dad!
    I just took a look at the pictures and saw the family you built the house for- It’s so hard to believe that there will be 11 people living there. No doubt you will be able to show Christ to several people with your one home!
    It’s beautiful here today- Sean and I are busy getting ready for his sister to arrive for the week.
    I saw the picture of your team, too- it looks like a fun one! I did notice you were talking instead of smiling when the picture was taken. I wonder who you get that from? =) (Just had to give you a hard time.)
    Sean and I miss you and we can’t wait to hear about all of your experiences. We love you!

  39. Hi Dad,
    I just wanted to write and say hello. Addi just went down to bed and Jack is sitting here with us. I hope you are doing well and you’ve avoided the sickness. We are thinking about you and praying for you!
    Kurt, Mel, Addi & Jack

  40. Larry:
    How exciting to hear how God is using you all to bring others to Himself–to know that new treasures will be in heaven because of God’s work through you! Know that our prayers are with you for your continued health, safety, and effective ministry!
    Love and prayers,
    The Dooleys
    From the devotional 31 Days of Praise
    Thank You that You made Your light shine in my heart to give the light of the knowledge of Your glory in the face of Your Son…that You drew me to Yourself, and honored me, making me a member of Your royal family and a citizen of Your Kingdom…and that You have enlisted me in Your worldwide task force, to be Your witness. What a high privilege, that You have destined me to have a share not only in Your love but also in Your glorious purposes, both near and far…that You have gifted me for a unique part in Your global search for people who will repent and believe and learn to live for Your glory. I celebrate my high calling of knowing You and making You known!

  41. Hi all!
    Words won’t describe the awesomeness of last night.After the usal fun and games or unusal in some cases, we had this incredable worship expeirence. Many lives were committed or recomitted to Christ! Praise God! Tell the Newbs thanks and that they bought a bed for our house.
    I love you!

  42. Good Morning, Lar. I’m just checking in before church. I’ll bet you had a late night last night, since nobody has posted anything yet this morning. I’ll try later. Did you get the “crud” yet? I hope not. I took a walk this morning, it’s another beautiful day here. have a great time at the clinic agian tonight.

  43. Larry, What a great example you are being there, can’t wait to hear the stories and talk about all the God sightings that you experiences. Thanks for serving, stay well. Bob and Carole and Dixon….we are praying for all of you !

  44. Hi Lar,
    Chuck and Mary were in church this morning – Chris is going to Iraq this week for 15 months. Chris and Jane Klein are back in Michigan – they will be living at Calvin College. Tony and Stacey are back after an awesome trip, everything went really well for them. It’s a gorgeous day -will be 78 and sunny. I’m going to go sit outide and read. It’s too quiet here. I miss you.I hope you ar not one of the sickies. Love,Mar

  45. Hi Lar, me again. I was at your parents’ house. Pete was there too. He says hi, his computer is not working, and he working tons of hours, never home. No news from Hans ans Star this weekend, we decided that no news is good news. I hope your time at the village is going well. Send me a note tomorrow to let me know if you have been feeling OK. Love,Mar

  46. Hi Dad,
    Hope your Sunday went good. Derek, Ava and I went up to the lake today- it was nice by the cottage, but Derek and I took a walk at the beach and by the end of the walk my hands were numb- brrrr! It wasn’t just me that was cold, either- Derek was too!
    I hope that you are feeling ok- talk to you soon!
    Missy, Derek and Ava

  47. Hi Larry –
    Glad you haven’t had the sickness!
    Sounds like wonderful days in the village.
    Since you’re such a Guate expert, maybe I can pack you in my luggage for the Girls Trip in Jan-08! 🙂
    See you soon.
    God bless!

  48. Wow what a night! Postings and pictures to follow!

  49. Hey Dad,
    It must have been a late night last night because you spelled your name wrong! We can’t wait to hear all about it. Hope you are having a good time. Today is my “day off”. Addi went to Julie’s so it is just me and little Jack. Have a good end to your week in Guatemala!

  50. It was a late night last night. I fianlly was in bed at 4:00am, thats 6:00 your time. It was another incrediable little village on the coast about a half hour off the main road. It was about as jungley as as it gets. We had an awesome time of ministry and again many came to know Christ. On the way back we came to a road block of a fallen tree that was blocking our way out of the jungle. By the grace of God, the tree had fallen in such a way that we could drive under it but to do that we had to dig out the side of the mountain. The whole team worked together to get through, but it really was God! I had the Guat. crud but am doing fine. Please pray for all the sick people. Also pray for the final night of devotions which can hve a huge impact on the team.
    I love you guys.I’ll see in a day.
    Lar, spelled right.

  51. Hi Dad!
    That whole “tree incident” is really amazing. I’m glad you and Kevin could share it with us. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling okay and I hope those who are sick are feeling better before the trip home.

    Sean and I took his sister Sara and Matt out on the boat yesterday on Lake Bella Vista- it was a beautiful day. Matt went skiing and Sara and I went tubing- something I haven’t done in close to 17 years! My arms are paying for it this morning!

    I don’t know if you’ll be checking this much more before you leave so I’m going to wish you a safe trip home. I respect the work that you’re doing and I am proud of you!

    Love, Mindy

  52. Hi Lar,
    Wow! What a night for you. I’m anxious to hear more. I’m glad you’re feeling better, and hope it continues. I’ll be happy to have you back home safely.
    I was awake in the night, and prayed for your safe trip back from the village. It was about 1:45 our time. God heard it,didn’t He?
    I’ll be praying for your devotion time tonight. I know how intense that can be. I’ll see you at 4:30 tomorrow.
    Love, Mar

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